Reggae Ambassadors Worldwide is an international network of Committed Reggae Enthusiasts who have joined forces to spread the positive vibe of Reggae music. Daily we will move forward educating humankind about our music, always remembering the vision of One Love!

RAW Vision: To be the primary reference for Reggae Fans and Industry.


Reggae Ambassadors Worldwide (RAW) began with a seed planted in 1990 by Inner Circle guitarist Roger Lewis. In a casual conversation he mentioned that everywhere they performed they met a “Papa Pilgrim,” that is, someone familiar with local runnings and committed to the growth of Reggae music. He suggested that we begin linking up and do some serious networking. In the ensuing years Roger would again mention networking each time we met.

During the summer of ’92 I had a chance contact with Rastaman Nane’ of Grand Rapids, Michigan. As we chatted I mentioned Roger’s suggestions. Nane’s response was “Let’s do it.” When I put him off because I was “too busy,” he countered with “When I want to get something done I give it to the busiest person.” How could I refuse? Grand Rapids was selected as a meeting place because of Nane’s certainty that that city’s Reggae community would endorse such a gathering. Encouraged by Nane’s enthusiasm, support, and confidence, letters were written, phone calls made, and off we went. As Nane’ said, “Even if there are only two of us, that’s a start.”

On December 11-13, 1992 more than fifty conferees representing the grass roots of Reggae met in Grand Rapids to forge the beginning of an exciting new direction for popularizing Reggae music. This meeting, which came to be known as Conference ’92, represented the fruition of that seed planted by Roger Lewis. Our combined vision was that Reggae music, given the media support it so richly deserves, would become as mainstream as rock, country and other “Top 100” genres. Further, we wanted to actively contribute to increasing the public’s awareness of Reggae artists living both in and out of Jamaica and to provide increased opportunities for unsigned performers. Borrowing the concept from Third World’s hit of the same name, Reggae Ambassadors Worldwide was “born.”

Performing artists, deejays, promoters, club owners, writers, label representatives and others met and began forming a networking system aimed at having Reggae music achieve 100% parity with other genres. With so many facets of the business of Reggae coming together, we realized we were doing something right and we were doing it with a sense of purpose, commitment, optimism, and unity . The bottom line for each participant seemed to be to “Forward the Reggae Vibe… Every time!”

Conference ’93 was again held in Grand Rapids August 13-15. More than one hundred Ambassadors and other conferees shared visions, created ideas, and networked. Foundations were laid for an album release and tour showcasing member artists. Committees were formed to assist with various tasks and a decision made to seek non-profit incorporation.

Conference ’94, in Wichita, Kansas brought the grassroots of Reggae to the Heartland of America. More RAW business was conducted along with a whole heap of Networking.

Reggae Ambassadors Worldwide, the world’s largest Reggae network, is hosting Convention ’95 in Las Vegas, Nevada August 25-27, 1995. This year’s theme is “Networking Works” and the focus will be on Education, Entertainment and Networking. Invited keynote speaker is world reknowned author and Marley lecturer Roger Steffens. Three nights of RAW members artist showcase will be at the Fremont Street Reggae & Blues Club.